Friday 29 February 2008

Sleepless gay painter

A sleepless night can be a good thing, after all. After a restless night the other night, My Thai partner Maiyuu rose vowing he should start painting his room, to make himself tired enough for sleep.

This would be the first time he has ventured into that room with a brush. Decorating work has been suspended for a few days, after Maiyuu declared he would rather hire someone to paint the rest of our place.

Painting out my room was too hard, he decided, and he needed a rest. But too much rest results in what? - no sleep!

He disappeared into one of the bathrooms, and emerged with the aluminium rack which normally holds the shower curtain. I had thrown out the curtain, and the rack was sitting there unloved.

Maiyuu disappeared into his room. Moments later, he emerged with a paint roller attached to the top of the shower-curtain rack. It was a good fit.

With the extra length which the shower rack provides, he was able to paint the ceiling with the roller without having to use a chair. Excellent - one nasty job less for his farang boyfriend to have to do.

'I wish I had thought of using the shower rack before - it would have saved me a sore back when I painted the ceiling in your room,' he said.

Painting together, we managed to get done one half of one wall. The other half of the wall will have to wait, as today Maiyuu has shopping plans.

We need a new heating unit for the shower in one bathroom. He is also contemplating putting in a new window.

We did not intend to get so ambitious when we started decorating our place, but then these things are addictive. Maiyuu comes up with new ideas every day on how to improve our place.

Once started, I hope the patience and commitment stays in place long enough to get the job done - and to secure a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. But didn't he use ALL the money that was originally intended to paint ALL of your place? What happened to all of that money?


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