Thursday 28 February 2008

Sleepless in Bangkok

My Thai partner Maiyuu and I had an attack of sleeplessness last night. I can think of no reason why we should both be unable to sleep. But it is so much better to be awake and unable to sleep together than have to suffer it alone.

Maiyuu is normally a sound sleeper. He can also take catnaps during the day, as well as put in a full night's sleep later that night, which my body is unable to do.

I often have trouble sleeping, but since I returned from overseas have found a new sleeping pattern where I go to bed early at night, and rise early the next morning. I like it that way, as I love watching Bangkok mornings.

So, why suddenly, should our routine be upset?

Both of us went to bed at the regular time. I usually go first, and Maiyuu is not long behind me.

Last night I went to bed an hour earlier than normal, because my eyes were aching, and my limbs felt heavy - both signs that I am tired and ready for bed. Maiyuu was surprised that I wanted sleep so early, but soon followed.

However, by 1.30am or so, I realised I was not entering the land of nod...just thinking restless thoughts in my head. The body was trying to take me into sleep land, but couldn't get itself through those magical golden doors.

I heard Maiyuu rolling about in the next room, and went in to look. I peered at him in the darkness. He did not move, so I assumed he was asleep.

'Yes?' he asked.

Wonderful! A fellow sufferer. Realising we were both afflicted by the same malady, we turned on satellite TV. For the first time since we subscribed to the service almost a week ago, we watched a Hollywood movie. It was rubbish, but then what can you expect at that hour?

By 5.30am, when the movie ended, we decided to try sleeping again.

I slept, though I managed only five hours. Hopefully by tonight I will be so tired that sleep comes easily. As I write, Mauiyuu is still sleeping, so perhaps he was able to get rest in the end, too.

1 comment:

  1. awww, i really like this story. i do hope that you've gotten enough rest and well too.

    thanks. i like reading your blogs.

    take care.


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