Saturday 1 March 2008

Thai gay X-ray stare

Leaving my condo, I spotted two Thai gays waiting at the bus stop opposite.

I could tell they were gay. They wore their work shirts and trousers more tidily than straight Thais, and held their arms about them too closely, like they were shielding their private bits from scrutiny, or about to burst into a studied ballet dancer's pose.

One also had large hands. In my strange book of how to spot a gay Thai male, that tell-tale sign is high on the list. For some reason, many Thai gays have hands that are too big for them. saw me. He muttered something to his friend. Both heads turned in my direction. Instantly, they applied the gay man's penetrating X-ray stare.

Do gays subject all men to this treatment, or just fellow members of the club? I am used to it, so I just kept walking. But some straight men might find that sudden attention and piercing scrutiny upsetting.

In the bus the day before, a gay passenger hopped on board. He seated himself in front of me...and every few seconds, turned around in his seat to look straight at me.

Now, let's not make it too obvious, shall we?

He was turning around so I could get a look at him, not so he could get an eyeful of me.

I ignored him, and kept reading my magazine. If I had been in a naughty mood, I could have teased him by lifting the thing, high enough for him to see the title.

I was reading a woman's magazine, called Koo Sang Koo Som. Now there only one reason a male would be reading one of those...

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