Saturday 1 March 2008

When the waves came (2, final)

After we met at the mall, Nort started calling me almost every day. In the end I stopped taking his calls, and deleted his name from my Messenger, as he was becoming too demanding.

Before I severed contact, he told me that he had now found an Australian boyfriend, to replace his former British one, and wanted to apply for Australian citizenship. He asked me how much would it cost.

'I don't know - try the embassy,' I said.

The next day, he called to ask me for the meaning in English of the words, 'F*ck off'.

I told him.

'If you use those words, a foreigner will get upset,' I warned.

Actually, I suspect a foreigner in a gay chatroom had probably flung the insult at Nort, for he could be a highly persistent young man.

Nort was intellectually active – a great talker, and keen on Thai and European history - but lacking the simplest of things: human contact, and someone to show him that he's valuable and special.

I wasn't in a place to do it, as I have a life of my own. I hope he finds better luck somewhere else.

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