Thursday 30 April 2009

I-Phone dilemma, telecoms giant impoverishes Thais

I was entering the condo as the boyfriend was going out to pay bills.

'I am also going to ask the telephone company about buying an I-Phone,' he said.

Maiyuu has seen advertisements on television for Apple I-Phone.

Our satellite TV provider, True Move, is offering phone deals to its television subscribers, via its telephone subsidiary, True Mobile.

Parent company True Corporation announced last November that it had reached a deal with Apple to import the 3G I-Phone to Thailand.

I don't like these vertically integrated telecoms companies...they always have some new deal, some new way for you to waste money. Be that as it may, Maiyuu, who is at home most of the day, saw one of these ads, and decided he would like an I-Phone.

I am not keen on the idea, as I can't see the point. Where once he had many friends, now no one calls, and he hardly calls them. So there goes the usefulness of the phone part of the appliance.

'Oh, I can surf the internet,' he says.

Again, I ask, what's the point, when he has his own computer in his room, with internet access.

Who wants a boyfriend with his head buried all day in a cellphone/mini- computer, or whatever it is? This assumes, of course, that the novelty will last, and that he won't get sick of the thing after the first few weeks.

Most importantly is that I would have to pay. From memory, the thing costs about B23,000 and True is offering it on time payment - payments of B900 a month or so for 24 months.

What a colossal waste! I am not sure yet how Maiyuu proposes to pay for the thing. 'I will spend less on grocery items and food,' he told me as he set out this morning.

True is impoverishing hard-working Thais who can't afford satellite TV, but whose red satellite dishes you can nonetheless find scattered on the roofs of many slum houses in Bangkok.

At my last place in Thon Buri, I overlooked a collection of slum houses - little better than tin shacks - built along a railway line. I could count at least 10 True satellite dishes from where my place stood.

My boyfriend is not a hard-working Thai, if you assume that looking after me at home is easy (he would dispute that).

Nonetheless, he is hardly bringing in a wage, so I would have to pay for this dreadful device myself, if Maiyuu goes ahead as threatened and buys the thing.

'You can't want to go overseas with me, then,' I said in an SMS this morning.

'You already have a computer in your room - what a waste of money. If my income should take a dive, who will take responsibility for paying it off? You will have to get a job,' I said.


  1. 13 comments:

    Lino in The Big Apple29 April 2009 at 23:49
    30,000 baht = $849 US

    That is just disgraceful

    The f'ing things are for sale here from $360 to a little over $500 US
    ..Oh and don't forget all the "apps" that he may "need".

    These thing are a money pit.

    Better develop a taste for MAMA.

    Over here in NYC Iphones are getting a little long in the tooth as status symbols, practically every food delivery boy (Mexican) and other menial laborer has one.

    A Filipino friend told me "Gay+ Asian = Apple.

    So "True".

    Let him find a way to pay for it.


    kopichai30 April 2009 at 00:01
    On my last trip during Songkarn to Bangkok, my thai friend was hinting to me to get an Iphone for him. I played ignorant. I was wondering how he's going to pay for the internet link up. Sometimes, he tells me he has no money but he still wants an Iphone!
    Its just an unncessary waste of money.


    sutheshkumar30 April 2009 at 01:19
    or you can ask him to get an iPod Touch.

    same thing but no phone capabilities.

    as with you, iPhone is crap. you are better off with a Nokia E-Series


    Asia in Australia30 April 2009 at 03:26
    what's going on here? down to the last 100 baht and then 30'000 baht or so on an iphone?
    I have the feeling that your boyfriend, even though managing your common income for the last couple of years has lost his touch for money. a bike, cooking utensils, a couch, an iphone. i think maiyuu is bored.


    Bkkdreamer30 April 2009 at 05:46
    I have changed the figure, after asking Maiyuu for more information.

    It is cheaper than I thought, B23,000. But the payments are spread over two years.

    Before, we had no debt. Now we have a hire purchase contract lasting two years.

    I can't believe he's done it. Like BB, I believe he's bored. He should get a job and pay for it himself.


    Orn30 April 2009 at 06:12
    he bought it already...well..I suppose it is a good buy.. an iphone is pretty & also fun. Even if he doesn't call a lot of people - he can use it for other things...

    Although you should make him pay for it somehow obviously he can't give you money...but maybe he could do something else? maybe a weekly massage? I don't know...whatever you want..


  2. Anonymous30 April 2009 at 10:12
    there are good reasons why I don't let monkeys drive my car. There are good reasons why Maiyuu should not manage your money. Next time you write you're down to 50 baht.. your readers will remember how you allow Maiyuu to control and screw-up your finances. You seem like a good guy.. but you deserve what you get.


    Asia in Australia30 April 2009 at 12:11
    holy shit, he just bought himself an iphone...well...not even with his money?

    bkkdreamer, you have some telling off to do!!! you must be upset, rightly so. now is the time to change the rules!

    what's going on with this man? how can he justify buying a hi-so gadget if both of you are nearly running out of money?

    I think this purchase is proof of how he sees you. as a provider who will always be there, not just in the good and romantic way...


    Anonymous30 April 2009 at 12:59
    BB I agree.. if this isn't financial sabotage, then it's at least a direct attempt to bring more stress into their world. Just more passive/ aggressive behavior from Maiyuu !


    Anonymous30 April 2009 at 15:35
    iPhones are fun gadgets and well worth it. I don't blame him for wanting one. Everyone needs toys.


    Kevo3330 April 2009 at 20:03
    Denying your Asian Bf a new piece of technology is never a good idea...
    My Bf and I went through almost this same exact thing with his phone 8 months ago. The thing cost $350 and is now practically worn out. Some lessons can only be learned the hard way. Especially with how stubborn Asian boys can be :P
    BTW- LOVE the boy in these pics!!


    Bkkdreamer30 April 2009 at 20:08
    Kevo, I agree. Thai boys must have the latest gizmo, and now!

    Saving is for mugs...if you can't buy it within weeks of the thing coming out, then you miss the buzz.


    Anonymous1 May 2009 at 11:48
    My Asian American bf from Philippines is the same way here in the states. Seems to need a new phone every 3-6 months. It's not just a Thai thing.



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