Wednesday 8 April 2009

Noisy diners, long walks, desert/dessert

I took boyfriend Maiyuu out for lunch yesterday. He chose the place, and ordered the dishes. It was our first time out for a meal since we moved to central Bangkok.

We took lunch at an eatery in Soi Sri Bumpen. Decorated in green, the Krapao Krob eatery serves excellent Thai food, offers an extensive Thai menu, and even makes home deliveries.
A farang was sitting to the left of the entrance as we walked in. A Thai girl served him. 'Krub! Krub! Krub! he said in a loud voice.

This was a man who wanted to be noticed. I am flattered that when I walk into eateries in the tourist district, many farang want to 'reach out' to me, by showing me how important they are.

Some put on a showy display of their Thai language skills. Others stride into the middle of a highly visible public place, such as a street, to pull out the cellphone and make one of those Deal Clincher telephone calls.

Well, that's the impression they give. Maybe they are just calling their Thai headmaster-boss to see when they are due at tomorrow's lowly staff meeting.

Twenty minutes later, as were tucking into our meal, the farang paid his bill.

He let loose another impressive burst of Thai - short witticisms, uttered loudly, to impress upon this farang diner the fact that he was Well Known to the people who run the restaurant, was Local, and Very Funny as well.

Sri Bumpen Road
After lunch, Maiyuu took me on an hour-long walk back home. Our journey took in the green eatery on Sribumpen Road at one end, and the Ibis Hotel at the other.

At the end of the street, we took a left at the 7-11, then walked down the next soi on the right towards Sathorn, passing a few places I remember from my early days in Bangkok.

Here, a building where a Thai woman - one of my first friends in Bangkok - asked me to invest in an internet shop she wanted to open. That would make me a shareholder, right? Don't be silly. She just wanted my money.

There, a place where I visited a high-price dentist. 'He was too expensive,' said Maiyuu, as we walked past the spot yesterday.

'You have a good memory,' I replied.

On North Sathorn Rd, we emerged at the towering LH Bank (Land and Houses Retail Bank), which wasn't even built when I arrived in this city nine years ago.

'Back then, it was a vacant lot,' Maiyuu reminded me.

We walked through the shopping arcade on the ground floor, looking for any shops selling traditional Thai desserts. We found none, though we did see Thais in university uniform sitting in smart cafe-style eateries.

'I miss foi thong from the market,' said Maiyuu, referring to a Thai dessert we used to buy regularly at our old home in Thon Buri.

That all seems so long ago.

Just before we reached the rear of our condo, Maiyuu took my hand. We walked together, hand-in-hand, for about 20m.

He also took my hand earlier, just outside the mighty LH Bank. What came over him? Normally he is too shy to show affection outdoors...or am I just imagining it?

I looked at him. He was smiling, and looked happy.

I can't spell the word 'dessert', as in after-dinner sweet things, I have just discovered.

I tend to use the word 'desert', as in dry sandy things, even when I mean the sweet edibles.

I looked up the word on my blog, as part of my 'research' for the last story. I made the mistake about half a dozen times. I have now corrected it.


  1. 11 comments:

    neil7 April 2009 at 19:51
    thank you BK. A very pleasant read.


    Asia in Australia7 April 2009 at 21:39
    Oh cute! Nice to see that you went out a bit together!

    Great that you found a good restaurant, it must be better than the one with the obnoxious waiter/owner from last time!

    And yeah, I see more and more what you mean by not being able to connect to the locals.

    As for the farangs...laugh it speak better Thai anyway:) He was just jealous that you are such a sweet couple:)
    Seriously, farangs have quite a strange relationship among each other here in Thailand.

    It's more like competition, because most are here to find a Thai person.
    But I do notice the odd smile or interested look once in a while - and I will smile back too!


    BODYholic8 April 2009 at 05:55
    "I can't spell the word 'dessert'"

    I did realize that, but I thought it's no big deal since it can be easily understood from the context.

    It is just the same as this that you quoted Maiyuu, "I miss thong foi". ^_^"

    Ok, I am usually on high alert when comes to food! :)


    Bkkdreamer8 April 2009 at 06:24
    Neil: Thank you, Mr Neil.

    BB: Foreigners here can make for an odd bunch. Maybe it is the fact that we are fishing in the same pond. I hadn't thought of that.

    I feel sorriest for farang women who live alone, and foreign men who come here with their foreign wives. Bangkok is a man's town.

    Farang women must have a hard time keeping their men in check, as all the Thai girls and boys about would turn their heads.

    Foreign married men, meanwhile, must have a hard time pretending they are still interested in their foreign wives!


    Bkkdreamer8 April 2009 at 06:26
    BODYholic: The foi thong mistake has been corrected, thank you.

    Today Maiyuu came home with a large styrofoam box of foi thong ...he bought almost the entire supply made by one shop.


  2. Anonymous8 April 2009 at 09:46
    Hi Dreamer I have come up with a clever tag after all AnotherAnon

    Lovely Post and just in time to put some of those relationship nay sayers in their place :)

    Have you seen Pojs new film???
    CAMP CAMP CAMP and very funny
    A few sharp jabs at Love of Siam and an endless stream of beautiful Thai boys
    He really does have a sharp wit and a good eye not unlike yourself

    Happy Song Kran!


    BODYholic8 April 2009 at 11:18
    "Today Maiyuu came home with a large styrofoam box of foi thong"

    Just curious. Does Maiyuu also cook Thai foods/dessert? I could have missed it but so far, I have only heard you mentioned about pies, tarts, crêpe & other farang foods.

    If he does, do share it with us. Thankyu you na.


    Asia in Australia8 April 2009 at 11:46
    bkk. I dont think it's that easy. I will blog about being in a relationship in bangkok next week, so watch that. but just in general, I dont think everyone is falling for the "trap". As for my part, I enjoy the best that Thai people have to offer, namely their looks, but then leave them to themselves. Im sure there are quite some farang here who actually dont care about this whole Thai wife or bf business. but I suspect not many.
    that's why: competition! for myself, if I see the low-class yucky farang, I feel: ewwwwww, again someone ruining our reputation. If I see a good-looking and well-groomed elegant young man (it happens once in a blue moon) I will admire andsmile at him and feel happy.


    Asia in Australia8 April 2009 at 11:51
    oh and as for the man's town. there are significantly more foreign men here of course. but I suspect that foreign women are also liked by Thais, if maybe not for the same (e.g. monetary) reasons.
    But it does exist...I saw a documentary on my *ahem* home country TV yesterday about a farang women who came to live in the south of thailand for her husband, a dirt-poor native. the fairytale didnt work out...


    Anonymous8 April 2009 at 17:01
    Did we see the same film, anon? I thought it was awful. The screaming mincing queens among the staff turned me off and as for the kathoey soccer players, if they had been left out, it would start to be a good movie.

    The simple truth is Poj is and always has been a dreadful, talentless director. End of story. - Ian


    Kevo338 April 2009 at 17:48
    I think when you two make time to do things together instead of leading separate lives; you seem to have fun together. I think there is a lot left in your relationship!
    My fav Thai dessert is coconut ice cream!!



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